Thursday, January 20, 2011

Day 20

10:00am - 192lbs,  that puts me down 27-28lbs so far.

I almost can see my ribs!  How exciting!

I have decided to make the switch today.  Tonight around 10:30 I am going to start taking alternative fluids.  I am excited and sad at the same time.  There is something about a purely water fast that has been spiritually humbling yet exhilarating.  I am feeling more at peace with my walk with God everyday.  However, I am a little scared if I go on I (in my own mind) would turn this whole journey/experiment into an accomplishment.  Its not really about what we do but about what God does through us.  Its shameful to me to think about how much I have internally stifled and frustrated his will in the past.  His will be done.

This fast is about thankfulness and dependence.  I am thankful to be able to taste something tonight!!!!!  Whooo Hooo!!!  I am going to splurge on a broth......tonight... but try to do mostly juices my last 20 days.   I went to the grocery store and got grape juice, apple juice, orange juice, orange pineapple, cranberry, blackberry get the picture.  Who would have ever thought some broth and a glass of juice could bring such joy....but let me tell you.....I'm hyped.

I love you beef broth.  I hope this doesn't enhance my general temptation for food....but if it does... I guess... I'll deal with it then.

Phil 4:4 "Rejoice in the Lord always, again I say rejoice!"

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