Thursday, January 13, 2011

Day 13 - Taste

Weight. 200lbs

A great day.  Spent time with friends.  Got to see Matt and Jill's new baby, David Taylor.  He is a chunk.  10lbs 7oz!  Hung out with Zach, Amanda, Gabrielle, and Cassidy.  Delivered Meals on Wheels

But the days are still hard.  Everyday around 4pm I hit a wall.  I try to stay busy and spend more time in prayer but its still all very draining come afternoon.

But the lethargy, weakness, and fatigue aren't what's most difficult.  Its taste.  ....or shall I say the lack thereof.  Water, water, and then more water doesn't provide much for the pallet.   I am starting to think that taste has to be one of the most grossly under appreciated senses.  Its like vision and hearing get all the glory while taste humbly, unassuming takes its place providing the spice of life to speak.

I look forward to savoring things once again.  I am resolving to reduce the scarfing down of quick meals without first trying to appreciate every bite.  Eating a meal is not singly to provide sustenance.  It is an opportunity to relish God's blessings....every morsel.

I have been dreaming of food every night....last night was pizza.  I pig out (in my dream) and then feel guilty for a moment that I broke my fast.....until I remember ....wait this is just a dream.

Here's to the future fulfillment of our dreams!  lol.

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