Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Day 20

Well I guess we are half-way home.  I can't believe its been twenty days!  Craziness.  I have continued to have tons of wonderful support and encouragement.  The Qt factor has been everything I hoped it would be.  The quality time I have gotten to spend with people has blessed me and I hope it's been the same for those around me too.
I am going to spend the next two Sundays preaching about what has been difficult and most beneficial so far in this experiment.
Difficulty number 1 has to be mobility.  It takes me a long time to go just about anywhere. or do anything.  five minutes to brush my teeth.  three minutes to go find some slippers in my room, six minutes to find something to snack on...etc...It is definitely a process.  In hindsight though, I can see the benefit.  We live in such a fast-paced world.  Everything I normally do is done with a view to how many things I can squeeze into to the time I have.  Handicapped the way I am, that is all thrown out the window. Everything takes time. I think spiritually this slow pace has helped me to realize something.
I believe that I often may have unrealistic expectations for my spiritual maturation process.  Don't misunderstand, God can turn any of us into wise sage-like, joy filled, super Christians overnight if he wanted.  For most of us however, this is not our experience  It takes time to become what God wants us to be.  The reason this is significant is that unlike so many other aspects of our "modern" lives there are not shortcuts we can take to "grow up".  This is hard for many of us to accept.  We want to be mature and we want to mature now!  I feel many Christians get frustrated and disillusioned because their experience becoming like Christ is so foreign to their experience learning so many other things.  I mean Rosetta Stone boasts how quickly you can learn a new language, diet plans trumpet fast-paced weight loss, and financial schemes claim to get out of debt fast........but I just don't think that generally works spiritually.  You have to wander some blindly, disoriented to the point you have to get help.  We have to stub our toes, bump into some walls, and fail more than we succeed.  Its all part of the learning process.  I know this is "profound"   It is a reinforced conviction for me however.

My walk with God is not served well if I am always making exceptions and cheating.......I always want to cheat in this little exercise......I don't learn anything this way though.......Yet I don't feel bad about not being able to do everything perfectly......because I've never been blind before.  Hope you are all doing well....I will try to to be a little more consistent with these blogs......I have so many things I want to record for  I just don't want to bore anyone with my blabbering. God bless and take care.

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